Then the fairies gave me a cool tube--kind of looks like a bracelet---like a little piece of bark with a picture on it. I gave them cookies and I decorated their house with clay. But then the gnomes almost spotted them, so they had to take off my decorations, but they said it was so beautiful (and it was).
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Gnomes and Fairies at Tuscarora, by our friend Lily
Then the fairies gave me a cool tube--kind of looks like a bracelet---like a little piece of bark with a picture on it. I gave them cookies and I decorated their house with clay. But then the gnomes almost spotted them, so they had to take off my decorations, but they said it was so beautiful (and it was).
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Gunflint Trail Canoe Races
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Some are staff, summer funny.
Anna is the one who quietly comes in after work hours at a hectic moment and fillis in. She senses when we need her, she steps up, she maintains the institutional memory for cleanliness...she's in her 4th summer here, and it is hard to imagine summer at Tuscarora without her calm presence and hand in everything.
Kate is the one who remembers birthdays, who notices when someone is working too hard, who gets genuinely excited about creating a dessert that is well received. Her caring spirit is contageous and certainly felt by all of us---including Andy and me.
It's Noah's 5th year on the Gunflint Trail---towing on Saganaga. At Tuscarora we have been proud to have him for 3 of those years. as a senior staff member, he knows all there is to know about outfitting....and soccer.
Stefan makes it shine. We're lucky to have him and his teal cap---I predict that he'll be well known someday and our photos will be worth money. Stefan is a man of many talents---he does everything here, his soft skills with staff and guests are very polished, he teaches our kids guitar and piano, and he knows every bird you'll ever hear. After spending the year as naturalist at Wolf Ridge, he can't help himself and he leaves rock specimans out for the staff to learn---teachable moments at every turn.
Jamie worked just until the beginning of July--but made a big impact on us with her goodnatured willingness---always up for any job, always finding something to laugh about or someone to laugh with.
Michael is so covertly witty sometimes, when I'm not paying close attention, I forget that he has it in him. Then I hear him go stomping down the steps at 50 miles an hour (hoping to imitate Andy, and scare any slackers into attention). His sense of humor is good for morale. Don't ask Michael about his totalled car, or about the dwindling moose population.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Granite River
Saturday, July 7, 2007
At 7:07pm the Tuscarora staffers had a little party in the crew cabin. We played Heads-up-Seven Up (think elementary school) and drank 7Up. We think it was quite a bit warmer than 77 degrees in there, and had to follow up with a swim.
I hear that there were a lot of folks getting married in Las Vegas on this lucky day!
Minnesota Bound
Bill Sherck (Man about the Woods) and Nick Claussen (photographer extraordinaire) joined a group of local educators tripping into Tuscarora, Gillis, Peter-- studying the plants and wildlife of the woods.