People definitely have discovered September paddling. In the olden days--well, it seems to me that the woods were deserted in Septembers back then..am I remembering correctly?
The last three weeks have relatively busy at Tuscarora--and, well, I start to get worried that if I get too loud about it, even the bugs are going to find out. Right now, it's a big bug secret.
Do you know Denali enough to read her body language in this photo? I was sitting on the dock, doing the hard work of holding this floating canoe with my feet while these nice guys loaded it. She was sure we were going canoeing and there was no flipping way she was going to let me in that boat without her.... Then, when they took over, and I said goodbye--happy paddling....her tail drooped and she stood and stared at me. "When is it OUR turn? this is what she would like to know. I'm right with her on that question.
This photo (note September 15th), is taken from the US side of Knife Lake. The Emerald Lake fire stayed in Quetico, but it was big enough to have us worried about people on Ester and Hanson and Cherry area for awhile, until the rains came. Warm dry Septembers make for happy fires. Everything is laying low now. Andy's begun to shut down water in the non-winterized cabins, and fish surgery and crew cabin. Chilly nights, golden days, but fleeting..