Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

The days are spinning by us here at Tuscarora.

We're in full spring with all of its florescent green.

It still amazes me when guests show up after a trip, and I'd swear they just paddled away yesterday...........yet they have photos, and sure enough, they've had a week's worth of memories. They've caught fish, they've had some rain and some hail, they've had hot sunny weather- enough to swim, and cold enough to freeze a water bottle one night.

Our Memorial Day weekend was especially busy. Former staffers Lindsay, Jen, and Dave came to help out those of us who are here. The regular family and friends crowd filled the cabins, and this morning, I've got a minute to reflect on it all before people start paddling in, with more stories.

When cousins Kjersten and Joe drove up the Gunflint Trail with Shelby and Daniel on Friday night, I had to shake my head; I'd swear that they were all using toddler car seats yesterday ....yet we have photos, and sure enough, they've each had a childhood's worth of memories. They've caught fish, had some rain and some hail, they've been hot enough to swim, and cold enough to freeze a water bottle.

I sort of like the way they charge ahead without nostalgia. I also like it that they've grown up together, and they have such gentle acceptance of each others' quirks.

They know each other inside and out. Joe still pushes the edge on raunchy jokes, and Daniel still stresses out on the responsibility. Shelby still looks to stir things up, and Kjersten has a mind of her own. They laugh. Their relationships with each other have nothing to do with us adults anymore. I love that.

This weekend the boys fished, Kjersten and Shelby took photos. The light was especially dramatic after the storm Saturday evening, and Kjersten with her new camera and her artistic eye captured some winners (the' Wow' shots posted here are hers).

My sentimental favorite was the path near Cabin 2---where the four of them used to don their special powers of invisibility or flight and play. I'm betting this photo will give them some nostalgic childhood memories some day, when they're my age and ready to be wistful, when there's time to remember.

We wish you a wonderful Memorial Day.

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